Our Constitution
In Christ we who are many form one body
Romans 12:5
1. The church shall be known as NEWTON MEARNS BAPTIST CHURCH and be in affiliation with the Baptist Union of Scotland.
2. The members of this church believe:-
(a) in one God - the Father Almighty, Jesus Christ His Son our Saviour and Lord, and the Holy Spirit our Guide and Helper.
(b) that the Scriptures, the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, are the rule and pattern for individual faith and church order.
(c) that faith in Jesus Christ, who “died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again on the third day,” is the way of forgiveness and that whoever believes in his heart and confesses Him as Lord shall be saved.
(d) that the church is a fellowship of believers which observes Christ’s ordinances -
i. of the baptism of believers by immersion upon confession of faith in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (In exceptional cases, other forms of believers baptism may be accepted.)
ii. of the Lord’s Supper, open to all believers, to perpetuate the memory of Christ’s death and to show forth the truths of redemption through His sacrifice and our union with Him and one another.
(e) that it is the duty of every Christian to bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to take part in the evangelisation of the world.
3. The church is congregational in its policy, i.e. it recognises Jesus Christ as its supreme Head and undertakes to manage its own affairs according to His Word and the practice of the apostles.
4. The members of this church shall be such as profess faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and give evidence of living in fellowship with Him.
5. Applicants shall be accepted for membership upon satisfying the church of:-
(a) their faith in Christ.
(b) their sympathy with Baptist principles and acceptance of this constitution.
(c) their willingness to:
i. share regularly in the worship of the church.
ii. contribute systematically, as the Lord has prospered them, towards the support of the church.
iii. engage in Christian service.
iv. maintain the spirit of Christian love and unity.
v. endeavour to live a life worthy of Christ and His church.
6. The ministers, elders and/or deacons, two of whom shall fill the offices of Secretary and Treasurer, shall be baptised believers.
7. The appointment of the ministers, elders and/or deacons shall have the approval of the church and the method of appointment be determined by the church.
8. An ordinary church meeting shall be held at least twice a year following two Sundays’ notice to transact business remitted from the elders and / or deacons, to hear a statement of church finances and to consult about church work generally. Special church meetings may also be called by the elders and / or deacons as necessary, providing two Sundays’ prior notice is given. These formally constituted church meetings may be supported by additional arrangements for non-binding engagement, consultation and information sharing as determined by the church.
9. In cases of private offence between members, the rule prescribed by Christ in Matthew 18:15-17 shall be observed. In cases of open backsliding, inconsistency or doctrinal error, it shall be the duty of the church to exercise discipline according to 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14,15 and Titus 3:10,11.
10. All cases of discipline and confidential church matters shall be treated as strictly private to the members.
11. The church is a Registered Charity and shall appoint Trustees in accordance with the guidance of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. The Trustees will comprise the Church Treasurer (ex officio) and three other appointed Trustees, one each from the Elders and Deacons and one from the current membership of NMBC. Trustees are appointed for a 3 year term and may serve a maximum of 3 consecutive terms. After a year out of office they may be considered for re-appointment. Appointment and re-appointment of Trustees will require the approval and confirmation of the church at a properly constituted Church Meeting.
12. No alterations shall be made to this constitution except by vote of two-thirds of the members present at a church meeting, called for the purpose by special intimation to all members giving details of the proposed amendment, and allowing at least two weeks’ notice.
13. A copy of this constitution shall be given to each member and to each applicant for membership.